The downside of Social Media… We look at it when we’re at our lowest, but people post when they’re at their highest. We get this insecurity that everyone is achieving more than us and doing better than we are.
At first we thought it was amazing to always be able to keep in touch with each other and see what everyone is doing. But my opinions of social media are slowly changing. Our news feeds are filled with amazing moment every single day. Everyone seems so successful!
The drawback of social media is that people post the highlights of their month. We’re scrolling through the newsfeed during our lowlights. When we’re sitting on the toilet at the job we hate, we see someone on holiday. When we are on the train home after our third failed job interview, someone just got a promotion. When we’re sitting at home alone in the pouring rain, someone is lying on a beach in the Greek Islands.
No one is posting their lowlights. No one is trawling through the feeds during their highlights. It gives us this false sense of failure or incompetence.
I’m not saying there’s a solution. I’m just saying you ned to be aware of it. Most people aren’t as successful and their profiles seem, and your life isn’t as bad as you imagine in comparison.