Sleep is having a serious impact on my daily performance.

On Wednesday night, I few issues cropped up and I was running through different scenarios in my head all night. As a result, a lay awake in bed and couldn’t get to sleep. On Thursday, I seriously battled through the day. I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t concentrate for long periods of time, and overall, I had a really unproductive day. Compared to earlier in the week, it was almost a waste of a day. Earlier in the week I’d gone for a run after work and read at night as was able to get a good night’s rest. The next day I was able to get everything done.

Earlier this year I began full time work for the first time after 5 years of University. The transition to having to wake up before 7am every single day was tough. Going for a stretch of fice days in a row was tough. I almost had to nap at work in those first few weeks.

I think the most effective way to combat this is to have a nightly schedule. Most of us have an alarm to wake us up, but we need to start setting an alarm to send us to bed. I’ve set an alarm for Sunday-Thursday for 10:15pm. That’s my warning to finish everything I’m doing and be in bed by 10:30. This means I should get my 8 hours in and allow me to be well rested for the day ahead. Do you have any tips I could try to help me sleep better?