The late Dr Wayne Dwyer wrote over 40 incredible books, mostly centred around the theme of self reliance. His first 5 books were all New York Times Best-Sellers. His top selling book has sold over 100 million copies across 47 countries. He started his career as a college psychology lecturer and his early books were based around psychology, but he gradually found himself transitioning to a more spiritual approach. Loved this episode and love Dr Dwyer – here are some of my favourite bits:
- When he was trying to promote his first book, he was told the only way to reach everyone in America was to get on TV. But Wayne found that there was another way to reach everyone in America – to literally go around to everyone in America! He loaded up his car with boxes of books and travelled around the country doing talks and visiting book stores and trying to reach as many people as possible. Safe to say it worked!
- Dr Dwyer quotes Virginia Wolfe: “You have to arrange whatever pieces come your way”. We can’t control what pieces we get, but we can control what we do when we get them.
- James and Wayne speak about Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich. That book isn’t just about making lots of money. But the difference between people who have abundance in their life and those that do is a “burning desire”. Everyone has a want and a desire but that’s not enough; you need the willingness, fearlessness and determination to seize every opportunity.
- Most people accept that their destiny is to just be “ordinary”. Our subconscious mind controls almost everything that we do, so we have to reprogram our subconscious mind to remove our perceived limitations and the times we tell ourself that we can’t do it.
- It’s important to find your passion. Dr Dwyer says that we need to find the things that make us feel good and the things that touch us on a deep level and get us excited. This is all a part of living in alignment with our true self. James adds that to find this, you need to expose yourself to a broad range of writings, teachings, philosophies, belief systems and activities. We need to always to open to the opportunities to find our true passion because it might come whern we’re 6 or it might come when we’re 60.
- “You can’t escape the now,” Wayne says. You have to be present and live your life intentionally. Everything takes place in the Now. “Everything that has happened to me in the past didn’t happen in the past, it was happening at the present at that time. Everything that is going to happen to me won’t take place in the future, it will be happening in the now”.
- Dr Dwyer talks about Bronnie Ware’s book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. She interview people who were dying and found that the #1 regret was “I wish I had the courage to have lived my life the way I knew I should, rather than listening to other people tell me what to do”.
Powerful. Listen to Dr Wayne Dwyer, read his books, watch his videos. He passed away in August 2015, but his teachings live on.