
Sleep is having a serious impact on my daily performance.

On Wednesday night, I few issues cropped up and I was running through different scenarios in my head all night. As a result, a lay awake in bed and couldn’t get to sleep. On Thursday, I seriously battled through the day. I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t concentrate for long periods of time, and overall, I had a really unproductive day. Compared to earlier in the week, it was almost a waste of a day. Earlier in the week I’d gone for a run after work and read at night as was able to get a good night’s rest. The next day I was able to get everything done.

Earlier this year I began full time work for the first time after 5 years of University. The transition to having to wake up before 7am every single day was tough. Going for a stretch of fice days in a row was tough. I almost had to nap at work in those first few weeks.

I think the most effective way to combat this is to have a nightly schedule. Most of us have an alarm to wake us up, but we need to start setting an alarm to send us to bed. I’ve set an alarm for Sunday-Thursday for 10:15pm. That’s my warning to finish everything I’m doing and be in bed by 10:30. This means I should get my 8 hours in and allow me to be well rested for the day ahead. Do you have any tips I could try to help me sleep better?


Social Media

The downside of Social Media… We look at it when we’re at our lowest, but people post when they’re at their highest. We get this insecurity that everyone is achieving more than us and doing better than we are.

At first we thought it was amazing to always be able to keep in touch with each other and see what everyone is doing. But my opinions of social media are slowly changing. Our news feeds are filled with amazing moment every single day. Everyone seems so successful!

The drawback of social media is that people post the highlights of their month. We’re scrolling through the newsfeed during our lowlights. When we’re sitting on the toilet at the job we hate, we see someone on holiday. When we are on the train home after our third failed job interview, someone just got a promotion. When we’re sitting at home alone in the pouring rain, someone is lying on a beach in the Greek Islands.

No one is posting their lowlights. No one is trawling through the feeds during their highlights. It gives us this false sense of failure or incompetence.

I’m not saying there’s a solution. I’m just saying you ned to be aware of it. Most people aren’t as successful and their profiles seem, and your life isn’t as bad as you imagine in comparison.

Democratic Election


Today, 2nd of July 2016, Australia voted in the federal election. This is going to be a very short thought, because I don’t really have much of a thought about politics! Perhaps that’s another topic of discussion, but I don’t really feel much of an impact on my life. I don’t feel that the government has that much power over the trajectory of my life. I’d be worried if I thought it did. Another thought for another day is the extrinsic versus intrinsic factors of success.

But today’s thought is a few observations of the one day in every three years I take some kind of notice of politics.

Fighting for Democracy

Firstly, countries all over the world are fighting in revolutions to have to opportunity to cast their vote in a democratic election. Many Australians, myself included, couldn’t care less. Perhaps I should take more of an interest in it, but I feel like I personally have no influence over the outcome. We are somewhat forced to vote in Australia through the threat of a fine if we don’t vote. I’m curious what voter turn out would be if we took the US approach and made voting optional.

The Upper House

Secondly, the senate paper. It was massive. It didn’t fit in the voting booth! What’s up with that… I know it was a double dissolution so there were effectively twice as many seats up for grabs, but that paper was almost as tall as me.

‘How To Vote’ cards

Thirdly, people’s reactions to the ‘how to vote’ cards. One of the volunteers said that after about 10 elections he’d volunteered at he’d noticed a pretty strong trend. There were probably 6 or 7 groups handing out their ‘how to vote’ cards, but ultimately there are two main parties, Liberal and Labor, that people would follow. He said he noticed the following anecdotal statistics:

  • 20% of people took the Liberal card
  • 20% took the Labor card
  • 30% took none
  • 30% took all of them!

I’m sure this says a lot about our character. I’m the kind of person who takes every single card… That 40% of people that just take the one they want might be of stronger resolve. They know exactly what they want and they aren’t afraid of what others think of them. Those that take none don’t want to offend anyone. And those that take them all want to please everybody. Perhaps that 40% are the 40% that are most engaged in politics compared to the 60% that don’t really feel empowered. At the same time, you can’t please everyone! Maybe in 3 years I should take a little more interest and be stronger in my convictions and commit to one party!

Where were the sausages…

Finally, the biggest and perhaps most disappointing observation of the day… There was no sausage sizzle! What’s up with that??? The polling place I net to was pretty popular, I was waiting in line for a good 20-25 minutes. And there was no sausage sizzle! I saw a few Facebook posts of similarly disgruntled people across the city that missed out on their morning sausage. Are schools getting too much funding that they don’t need to put in the work to raise extra money? I should’ve set up my own stand!


As I said, I’m really not engaged in politics. Perhaps I should take up more of an interest… But at the same time, I don’t recognise the immediate impacts on my life. If I take a more active approach to politics, you might see more daily thoughts on this topic. But… it’s more likely that you won’t read another political thought from me for the next 3 years until the next federal election. Hopefully the sausages are back!

Ripple Effect

The idea of the “Ripple Effect” came from re-reading the book The Compound Effect. The “Compound Effect” is the idea that small change repeated over a long period of time will lead to massive changes. The idea of the Ripple Effect is that by making small changes in one area of your life, it ripples out to improve all other areas in your life.

As an example, you may consciously decide to make positive changes to your every day decision about your health. These might include making better decision about food and doing some physical exercise. Then the Ripple Effect takes hold:

– You’re eating better so you have more focus and energy, meaning your performance at work improves

– You’re not spending as much money because you’re pre-preparing a healthy meal to take for lunch instead of buying something crap near work

– You’re sleeping better because you’ve been exercising, meaning you start to feel better

– Your interpersonal relationships improve after you start treating others better because you are in a better mood after sleeping better and feeling better


The list doesn’t end there. The Compound Effect means that by repeating these small, positive health decision every day, you will see a massive change in the future. The other benefit is the Ripple Effect, which tells us that because we made those small, positive decision about our health, we start to see benefits in our finances, work, relationships and our overall well being.


Appreciation and Gratitude

Sometimes we need to just step back and appreciate the little things in life.

I struggle with this.

A lot.

I’m kind of in a rush all the time. I want to be successful and achieve things NOW. I don’t want to wait. I want to be young and successful, not old and successful. But this means I’m overlooking a lot of the ‘little things’ in life. I’m not feeling a full sense of appreciation for the little wins I’m making every day. I’m not truly grateful for where I am in life right now.

I’m no superstar, and I’ve got a long way to go, but I think I’ve done pretty well so far. Compared to most 23 year old, I’m definitely above average. But I don’t celebrate it enough or show much appreciation for things. On one hand, it’s not good to celebrate too much and become complacent and stop improving. But on the other hand, you need to be able to achieve some level of contentment and happiness. We can’t always be deferring happiness until later in life. We can’t be waiting for that big event we’re we instantly become ‘successful’.

I’m currently working a typical 9-to-5 corporate job. I’m not happy. I’m beginning to worry more and more that if my next 40 working years are in a 9-to-5 corporate job, I’ll never be happy. This is why I’m desperate to start building things and achieving things now so I can get out!

The Little Things

The blue hair and the blue guitar

As part of my constant striving for improvement, I read every day on my commute to and from work. It’s about a 25 minute train trip and I try to get fully focused to read as much as I can. On the walks either side of the train ride, I listen to podcasts. So from door to door, it’s podcast for 10 minutes, read for 25, podcast for 10. During the day I try to get a few hours of podcasts in too. I switch it off when I really need to think and concentrate on my work, but if I’m just doing menial tasks I can listen to the podcasts and work away in the background.

Yesterday was different.

After work, I got on the train, crammed into a seat and pulled my book out to start reading as I always do. But this time, I heard a soft, sweet song somewhere. I looked up and there was a cute little hipster girl with light blue hair and a dark blue guitar. She was playing and singing. And she was pretty bloody good. I don’t know if they were original songs or not, but they were just nice and soft and slow.

I put my book away and for that 25 minute train ride, I just listened. I took it in, looked around, listened, and thought about life. It was a really nice break.  It’s probably illegal to busk on public transport, I don’t know or care, but she just had a little tin out and two or three people dropped money in as they got off at their station. I enjoyed the trip so much that I gave her everything I had in my wallet (I wrote that to sound impressive, but really it was only $15 – who carries cash these days?). That time just listening and pondering wouldn’t have happened otherwise, and it was well worth the $15. I was really thankful for her music.

The rain

I got off the train at my stop just as the heavens were opening up. I’d left work a bit early because I saw a storm brewing and wanted to try and get home before it hit. My timing was about 6 minutes off! From out of nowhere, it just started bucketing. I didn’t have an umbrella and there was nothing I could do about the weather. I had only two options. One, I could wait in the train station until the rain stopped. It might’ve rained all night, who knows. Or two, just go for it, get wet, and try and show some appreciation.

So I went for it.

I didn’t curse the gods for sending us a storm. I didn’t feel ripped off by the universe because my nice suit was getting soaked. There was nothing I could do to change my situation. So I didn’t run and try to keep my head down. I just strolled powerfully looking up to the sky and appreciated life. I appreciated the fact the I was alive. I felt the rain on my face and just kept going. I was thankful for the fact that in about 8 minutes, I would be at my home and I could get warm and dry. Whilst I was forcing myself to think, it didn’t feel forced. I WAS truly grateful that I had a home to go to. I need open my eyes to more opportunities like this were I can develop a true sense of appreciation.


Your life’s purpose

To finish it off, here’s a quote that really stuck out to me when I first read it. I thought back to this yesterday. It’s from the book Anything You Want by Derek Sivers: “If you think your life’s purpose needs to hit you like a lightning bolt, you’ll overlook the little day-to-day things that fascinate you”. Start noticing those little every day things that fascinate you and try to feel a sense of gratitude and appreciation. Yesterday’s commute home was one instance where I switched off and appreciated the music and the rain. I need to do this more often.

Dr Wayne Dwyer – A Test to See if You Are Ordinary (James Altucher Show)

The late Dr Wayne Dwyer wrote over 40 incredible books, mostly centred around the theme of self reliance. His first 5 books were all New York Times Best-Sellers. His top selling book has sold over 100 million copies across 47 countries. He started his career as a college psychology lecturer and his early books were based around psychology, but he gradually found himself transitioning to a more spiritual approach. Loved this episode and love Dr Dwyer – here are some of my favourite bits:

  • When he was trying to promote his first book, he was told the only way to reach everyone in America was to get on TV. But Wayne found that there was another way to reach everyone in America – to literally go around to everyone in America! He loaded up his car with boxes of books and travelled around the country doing talks and visiting book stores and trying to reach as many people as possible. Safe to say it worked!
  • Dr Dwyer quotes Virginia Wolfe: “You have to arrange whatever pieces come your way”. We can’t control what pieces we get, but we can control what we do when we get them.
  • James and Wayne speak about Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich. That book isn’t just about making lots of money. But the difference between people who have abundance in their life and those that do is a “burning desire”. Everyone has a want and a desire but that’s not enough; you need the willingness, fearlessness and determination to seize every opportunity.
  • Most people accept that their destiny is to just be “ordinary”. Our subconscious mind controls almost everything that we do, so we have to reprogram our subconscious mind to remove our perceived limitations and the times we tell ourself that we can’t do it.
  • It’s important to find your passion. Dr Dwyer says that we need to find the things that make us feel good and the things that touch us on a deep level and get us excited. This is all a part of living in alignment with our true self. James adds that to find this, you need to expose yourself to a broad range of writings, teachings, philosophies, belief systems and activities. We need to always to open to the opportunities to find our true passion because it might come whern we’re 6 or it might come when we’re 60.
  • “You can’t escape the now,” Wayne says. You have to be present and live your life intentionally. Everything takes place in the Now. “Everything that has happened to me in the past didn’t happen in the past, it was happening at the present at that time. Everything that is going to happen to me won’t take place in the future, it will be happening in the now”.
  • Dr Dwyer talks about Bronnie Ware’s book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. She interview people who were dying and found that the #1 regret was “I wish I had the courage to have lived my life the way I knew I should, rather than listening to other people tell me what to do”.

Powerful. Listen to Dr Wayne Dwyer, read his books, watch his videos. He passed away in August 2015, but his teachings live on.

Seth Godin: Guts and Glory (The James Altucher Show)

Episode 27 of The James Altucher Show feature probably my favourite person to listen to, Seth Godin. Seth has written around 20 books, including Purple Cow, Tribes, Permission Marketing, The Dip, and so many more, and writes the most famous business blog on the planet where he writes a post every day. This was a shorter episode by Altucher’s standards but it feels like every sentence that comes out of Godin’s mouth is filled with a little nugget of gold. Some of my favourite points from this interview included:

  • The New York Times Best Seller list is very “corrupt” in Seth’s opinion, and he doesn’t track how his books go on that list. Instead, he gets satisfaction when people tell him “I read your book and found something in it that changed me”
  • Seth taught canoeing during his teenage years, but most tourists were more interested in sailing and windsurfing. This was where he first learnt that, 1) he had to put on enough of a show to attract ‘customers’, and 2) he had to help people grow because “people go where they grow”. It wasn’t just about teaching canoeing, it became much more than that.
  • Don’t spend all of your time and energy trying to fight external forces that you can’t control. Instead, when issues arise, breath and think – you need to use the tools you already have to your advantage.
  • A lot of Seth’s books talk about using story telling as an effective marketing tool (Permission Marketing, Ideavirus, etc). The most important thing to note though is that “the story is never about the teller, it’s always about the person who is hearing the story”. And this is where selfish marketers always fail.
  • No big brands of the past 10 years were built off the back of TV or newspaper advertising. It doesn’t work like that anymore.
  • Seth created the company Yo Yo Dine which was doing direct marketing for half the price and twice the effectiveness of basically everyone else out there. Yahoo figured it was cheaper to buy him than beat him, so he sold his company for somewhere in the vacunity of $30m. What he realised was that an entrepreneur’s identity is heavily tied to their company and the things they do every day, so it took him a long time to “recover” from that sale.
  • He realised that he wanted to do something that mattered and something that would teach the people around him. He found that books were the perfect way to achieve both of those goals.


This is a definite must listen. I really need to ingest more of Seth Godin’s material.

Life. We’re doing it wrong.

This is not a new thought for me and I’m sure many people have thought the exact same thing – there’s way more to life than the life I’m currently living.

I was just listening to an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience (#809 – Aubrey Marcus) and at exactly an hour in Joe described this perfectly:

“We evolved and developed as hunter-gatherers and there’s a reward system set up inside our very being. These needs don’t get met in today’s society… One of these things that’s causing this funk that we’re in is the fact that we’re living our lives in these very unfulfilling ways. We’re going to this office with artificial light and doing something that you don’t want to do all day long, then you get home and you’re tired. You feel like shit. And on top of this, you’re eating shit – you’re eating potato chips and drinking soda and your body is like, ‘What in the fuck is this? We’re supposed to be out in the fields walking up hills, we’re supposed to be looking for animals or gathering up vegetables…’ We’re not doing the things that our bodies were designed to do; we were meant to be out in nature.”

I don’t consider myself ‘depressed’ by any means, but I’m definitely in a bit of a funk. We should be doing things that are way more fulfilling. We should be doing things that we WANT to do and that make us feel good and be happy. It’s time to start living life.

How to be Less Terrible at Predicting the Future (Freakonomics Radio)

This 46-minute episode from Freakonimcs (published 14/01/2016) talks about how bad humans are at predictions. There are a lot of reasons why we are bad, including a severe lack of knowledge and massive overconfidence, and this spans all domains, from sports to global politics to general day-to-day activities.

One of the experts interviewed, Philip Tetlock, authored the book Superforcasting: The Art and Science of Prediction. Here are his “10 Commandments for Aspiring Superforecasters”:

  1. Triage – focus on questions where your hard work is likely to pay off
  2. Break seemingly intractable problems into tractable sub-problems
  3. Strike the right balance between inside vies and outside views
  4. Strike the right balance between under- and overreacting to the evidence
  5. Look for the clashing causal forces at work in each problem
  6. Strive to distinguish as many degrees of doubt as the problem permits, but no more
  7. Strike the right balance between under- and overconfidence, between prudence and decisiveness
  8. Look for the errors behind your mistakes but beware of ‘rear view mirror’ hindsight biases
  9. Bring out the best in others and let others bring out the best in you
  10. Master the error balancing bicycle (this refers to the fact that you can’t become a superforecaster just by reading the manual – learning requires doing, which will give you accurate feedback)

Definitely an interesting episode that really highlights how awful we are as a species at predicting the future.

Arianna Huffington: The New Way to Thrive (The James Altucher Show)

Episode 13 of The James Altucher Show features Arianna Huffington, co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post. HuffPo was founded in 2005 then sold to AOL in 2012 for US$315m. Arianna is still the EiC and ranks in the Top 100 of Forbes World’s Most Influential Women. In this episode, James and Arianna discuss her 2014 book, Thrive.

  • Sleep. You NEED sleep to thrive. Sleep is you opportunity to rest, refuel and rejuvinate. Arianna used to sleep 4-5 hours a night because she always wanted to be doing more, but found that she became a lot more productive when she upped that to 8 hours a night because she was more mentally prepared for work.
  • Related to sleep, a good tip is to charge your phone outside of the bedroom. I, like most people, have my phone charging next to my bed. If we check out phones at night as we’re trying to go to sleep or if we wake up in the middle of the night, the artifical light will definitely detract from the quality of our sleep. The next level is the instigate a ban on screens at night, like a 6pm screen curfew.
  • Multi tasking: Whilst people think it is productive to be doing multiple things at once, Arianna found a focus on one task at a time gave her much better results. You can fully focus and don’t have the loss of concentration that comes with task switching and therefore you can produce better quality work.
  • “Giving is a short cut to happiness”
  • Society has a general understanding that more money equals more happiness. Whilst incremental pay increased intially lead to incremental improvements in happiness, James and Arianna argue that this hits a wall. At a certain point, a pay rise won’t make you more happy.
  • The biggest takeaway from this episode is that your eulogy has nothing to do with your resume. Whilst it may be a little unpleasant to think about, no body gets up at your funeral to tell people about how you increased market share by a third or how you became vice president at age 35. Eulogies are always about other things like how we made people feel, what made us laugh, small random acts of kindness, our lifelong passions… Arianna says that “we have 30,000 hours to play the game of life, if we’re lucky, and how we play it will depend on the things we value”. Whilst you may think ‘that’s easy for her to say, she’s already sold a company for $315m’, but we really need to apply this to our own lives. We need to work out what’s important to us, and working in a job you don’t like just because you’re close to a $5,000 pay rise is pretty insignificant in the bigger picture.

This episode was pretty short compared to most Altucher interviews (usually around 1hr, this was about 33 mins). A good short episode that definitely made me want to read her book Thrive.