Today’s thought comes from conflicting views from two different books on what it means to have “enough”. Obviously, books are mostly just the thoughts and opinions of their authors and therefore not everything is objectively correct. Today’s thoughts come from two different scenarios in life and is more of a question than a statement. I don’t have the answer, but I think it’s an important concept to think about.
Firstly, in Derek Sivers’s book Anything You Want, we are told of the story a time when Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller attended a party at a billionaire’s mansion. Kurt said “Wow! Look at this place! This guy has everything!”. To which Joseph replied, “Yes, but I have something he’ll never have… Enough.”
Secondly, in Paulo Coehlo’s book The Alchemist, the protagonist Santiago meets a king. The king, wanting to help the boy, asked him “how may sheep do you have?”. “Enough”, said the boy. To which the king replied, “Well then, we have a problem. I can’t help you if you feel you’ve got enough”.
Two very different views on ‘enough’. On one hand, you need to be able to reach a point in life where you are satisfied with what you have achieved and can learn to approach life with appreciation and gratitude. On the other hand, if you have enough, there is really no need to continue striving for more and others can’t offer you any assistance. You also need an amount of humility so that others feel they can offer you their assistance. The boy was arrogant when he said that he had enough sheep, which turned the king away and made it hard for him to help.
I think at my current stage in life, I will be constantly striving for more. At the moment, I definitely don’t feel like I have ‘enough’. At some point in the future though, I would like to think I’ll will reach a sense of accomplishment where I can be happy with what I have.