Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. The hardest part is often taking that first step. Similar to yesterday’s post, Biting the Bullet, it often turns out to be easier than you imagined. For me, the two things that become easier once I get started are housework and exercise.

Whenever I see that the dishwasher has finished, I can’t think of anything worse than stopping what I’m doing and putting the dishes away. After enough procrastinating, I’ll eventually get up and get started. Within a few minutes… It’s done!

It’s the same as exercise. The hardest part is just getting out the door. The biggest hurdle seems to be changing into my running gear, putting on my runnings shoes and walking out the door. Once I’m out and get started with that first step, I actually enjoy it!

I need to apply this to more areas of my life. If I spent less time doing anything else but starting and instead just got started, it’d be over before I knew it!