This idea comes from The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. He talks about doing 30-day ‘Vice Fasts’. This is where for a whole month you go without one of your ‘vices’. This may be coffee, alcohol, TV, chocolate… anything! By doing the 30 day fast, you show yourself that you are in control and you don’t NEED these things to get you through.
I was recording an episode of our ‘What You Will Learn‘ podcast when somehow how I accidentally committed to three different vice fasts… You can listen to that episode here. I’m just going to change the order slightly, but here’s my commitment:
- August 2016 = No masturbation (I’m not sure if this is a vice for me but Adam Jones made a joke about it so somehow I got stuck with it)
- September = No Coffee
- October = No Alcohol
I’ll provide an update during the month for these. Wish me luck!