I’m hooked.


It’s the newest worldwide craze.


I hadn’t heard anything about and within two days, it felt like the whole world was playing it.


I thought it was stupid at first… Then I thought I’d just give it a try… Then I spent about 4 hours on it the first day I got it, and each of the three days I’ve had it. I wonder how long it will last? I actually missed two days of writing blog posts on the weekend because I was playing this instead…


It’s actually pretty cool! I’ve gone out and walked around when I would usually be sitting on the couch or at my desk. It’s a really good fitness tool disguised as a game!


Be careful though. On the first day, I got so excited but I wasn’t progressing fast enough. So I thought that rather than walking around, I’d jump in my car and dive around. Bad call. When a Machop jumped out and I went to pull over to catch it, it got a little too close to the curb. By too close, I mean I hit it and popped my tire… Also, I’ve already spent $22 on it. Classic. I can never resist those “free” games with their in-app purchases… I would’ve spent over $100 on Candy Crush and its spin offs over the time I was addicted to it.



Anyway, not much to teach here, just letting you know you should get on it! There’s so much room for improvement, like being able to battle other trainers and selecting moves like the normal Gameboy versions instead of just tapping the screen in gym battles, but they will come. Like Snapchat – it started off with a pretty basic version and when it got serious traction it’s morphed into something almost unrecognisable from the original. If there was any way to, I’d definitely be investing in this.