I’m nearly finished re-reading The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy for this week’s What You Will Learn podcast. I stumbled across this section and it really makes sense. He tells us that it isn’t easy to make a change, but that’s exactly why we should.

Change Is Hard: Yippee!

Darren tells us that every has 99% of things in common – we all hate doing the same things. Everyone is susceptible to getting chips instead of a salad. Everyone is prone to watching mindless TV instead of reading a book. Everyone would rather go to sleep than put in that extra hour of work at night.

“[We] all hate the same things. The difference is successful people do them anyway

That’s the difference between ‘failures’ and ‘successes’. No body wants to do it, but successful people choose to do it anyway. It’s not easy. It’s hard! But that’s exactly why we need to do it. That’s because most people won’t. To put ourselves ahead of the pack, we need to choose to do things that no one else will.

For me, it’s all about choosing to put in more effort now. I can get lazy with my diet, lazy with exercise, lazy with my budget and spending… But I need to choose to make a change. I need to choose to eat better, spend less, and put in more productive work. It won’t be easy, but if I want to be successful, that’s the whole point.